Senin, 11 Mei 2009
Move out!!!
It's only going to be a very very quick post !! :)
So, it's just that recently I feel bored with my current blog, so I made a new one ...!
Well,, this blog will be ignored for some times ,
since I work on my newest blog ..!!
Here's my new link : my new blog :)
thanks !! don't forget to visit ...!!! i won't disappoint you ...! =D
bye bye
Minggu, 03 Mei 2009
Start with an A end with a G
I wonder sometimes how could my sense of brutality could vanished just so suddenly
I have no will to kill anymore
No interest to shout out loud against anyone i want anymore
Ini adalah sebuah pembicaraan kecil yang terjadi di dua waktu yang berbeda dan sangat menyakitkan hati
Gue : *ngerjain tugas dengan khusyuk*
Nyokap : ade nih chatting mulu kerjaannya
Gue : *diem* ...
at the other time....
Mbak mita : *Chatting*
Nyokap : Ade itu kok makanannya diabisin sendiri?
Gue : Lah gak dimakan ama mbak mita
Nyokap : Ya kan mbak mita lagi ngerjain tugas
Gue : *Cursed under my breath*
.. life's so unfair huh?
Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009
A little conversation
Y : *almost innocently* yes, sir. But i'm fine.
X : You're not fine, you gotta be strong
Y : I'm fine the way i am now, being strong is scary
gak tau kenapa. i just like that little meaningless conversation
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
well, sebagai tanda permintaan maaf karena gue udah mengignore blog ini, gue mo bikin post yang lumayan panjang. bagi yang baca, semoga gak ngantuk ya. kalo ngantuk, cukup tekan alt+f4 and flee.
dimulai dari mana ya?
dari nilai mid gue jelek aja deh.
sebenarnya, bukan rahasia lagi kalo nilai mid gue hancurnya seperti nanas.(yah, silakan mengkorelasikannya sendiri). dan gue juga gak terlalu mikirin itu.
parah ya gue. yah. itulah anak sma yang gak straight. (gak straight disini adalah dalam masalah cara belajar bukan orientasi seksual, harap dicatat)
dan memang gue gak AKAN terlalu mikirin itu sampai undangan itu diluncurkan dan gue dengan polosnya ngasih ke nyokap gue, nyuruh rapat SEMUA orang tua ke sekolah.
Dan nilai mid itupun dibagikan.
Dan nyokap gue pun melihat.
Dan bokap gue pun melihat.
Dan ..
oke. adegan selanjutnya setelah kejadian itu sepertinya perlu disensor.
intinya, BEGITU.
reaksi di atas rata rata orang tua melihat nilai anaknya jelek.
dan mulai saat itu juga nyokap gue kembali ke diktator mode on.
i kinda enjoy it though. biasalah, anak bungsu.
always craving for attention and affection. heheh.
oke, jadi gue sekarang harus les setiap hari, saking ngerinya nyokap gue ama masa depan gue yang dianggapnya blur. kalian tahu blur?
bukan. bukan nama band.
dan juga bukan nama es krim alias MekBluri yang sering dijual di McD
ya blur itu sodaranya absurd.
absurd itu Vonny.
eh, keceplosan. Piss von.
Padahal Vonny gak absurd lho. Dia so my sister banget. so my mother. so my ... entertainer.
ya pokoknya, dia adalah one of my best friend lah heem.
One of few people who can stand the ups and downs of me ... wahhaha.
Eh ngomongin Vonny jadi tidak adil rasanya kalo gak ngebawa bawa Dyza.
Jadi Dyza itu ..
*scroll ke atas*
*scroll ke bawah*
oh. God. gue sudah melenceng kelewat jauh dari tujuan. okay, I can describe the new Dyza later.
oke, jadi sekarang gue harus pulang cepet mulu, maksimal jam 4, karena jam 5nya harus les. jadi ya gitu deh.
gue gak bisa pulang ampe lama lama lagi kaya dulu.
gak papa sih. mau gak mau,that's the way i have to live.
hidup gue juga gak berubah ubah amat kok.
toh gue juga masih online tiap hari.
walaupun sekarang gue harus les. tapi asik kok
All of them are super. :)
sekarang ngomongin karma.
ternyata karma tu bener bener ada lho sodara sodara.
ini gawat sekali. warning bagi orang yang demen ngatain orang karena karma itu benar benar ada.
well, intinya, baru kemaren gue ngatain muka orang yang jerawatan. dan mungkin menyakiti hatinya. dan mungkin dia berdoa. dan mungkin karena dia teraniaya doanya dikabulkan. dan mungkin, asal usul sebuah, setonjol, seapapun itu namanya, jerawat. di jidat gue.
YA. DI JIDAT. astaga. gila. di jidat. jerawat itu bertengger dengan jantannya.
idk. kejadian munculnya jerawat itu gue tanggapi dengan agak overlebay entah kenapa.
mungkin karena gue stress kali ya, kelewat stress ampe jadi lebay.
biasanya gue orangnya kasual gitu lho padahal.
sampe kata temen gue '...sher, lo orangnya kasual banget sih,'
untuk siapa yang ngomong itu, gak tau deh, kayanya gue dengernya waktu gue lagi teler dah.
oke, sebelum gue melenceng terlalu jauh LAGI, well, akhirnya, gue cuma bisa pasrah.
jadi bagi orang yang seneng ngatain orang, hati hati karma.
next topic, sekarang ngomongin, ...
nggak. gue gak mau cukup stress, dan tiba tiba jadi melankolis aneh di blog ini.
..oh ya mo nyeritain dyza.
iya jadi si dyza versi baru ...
gak ada bedanya. dia tetep lucu dan aneh kok.
kok bisa gue sebut versi baru ya ... hahaha ... i don't know ..
eh anyway, ternyata gue bosen nih..
gak tau mau nulis apa lagi.
oh ya kemaren gue main blogthings .dan ini dia hasilnya...!
You Color Your Life with Vibrant Brightness
You are an energetic person who's obsessed with ideas and modern.
You love technology, and you like to be on the cutting edge of things.
You tend to be a little materialistic. You you love to shop.
You love sophisticated and dramatic things. You were born to live in the heart of the city.
You are casual but a bit picky. You know what you like, and you know what you hate.
If you're able to do things your way, then you can relax. You like to have a say
You love variety and adventure. You get bored easily if nothing changes.
You're always looking for the next new thing. You tend to get creative and thin outside the box.
You Are Vitamin A
You see the world vividly. You are a very visual person, and you pay special attention to colors.
And while you appreciate a sunny, beautiful day - you also like the subtle visuals of night.
You are youthful both in appearance and spirit. You are likely healthier than average.
You shine brightly and are best in small doses. Too much of your company can be overwhelming and even dangerous.
You are "tab"
Some people might try to say that you're always spaced out.
You do tend to be a dreamer, but you're also a great multitasker.
You work quickly and efficiently. So it's no problem if you goof off a little while you're working.
And if people want to think you're flakey, that's fine. You're getting more done than they are.
You Are Play
Compared to most people, you are very active and energetic.
You have a daring, challenging spirit. You're willing to go into something blind.
You are playful, carefree, and optimistic. You are up for trying anything.
If you dream it, you usually end up doing it. You're not one for putting your dreams on hold.
You Are Hot Sauce
You are the life of any party, because you're so good at bringing people out of their shell.
You have a knack for helping people happily embrace their true selves.
You are ambitious, driven, and fearless. You love taking risks.
Your taste in food is 100% adventurous.
You're up for sampling any exotic cuisine or someone's kitchen experiments.
You live for trying new things, and you get sick of eating the same food (even if it's very delicious).
You Are a Chocolate Cake
Fun, comforting, and friendly.
You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality.
People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you.
Your Burger Says That You are Gluttonous
You are very gluttonous. Even if you're full, you'll still clear your plate.
You are likely a fairly picky eater. And you're secretly a little squeamish about some foods.
You are bold and resolute in your choices. You don't back down, and you aren't afraid to go at something full force.
You tend to gravitate toward strong, pungent foods. Even if it means having bad breathe!
You are straightforward, honest, and ambitious. You tend to be direct about what you want when it comes to food.
You are emotional. You have a big heart, and you tend to go for comfort foods.
You are creative, open minded, and friendly. You are interested in all types of food and new dishes.
You Are Cheerios
Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.
But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!
You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.
You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast.
Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...
But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!
You Are a Spork (Spoon Fork)
You have a playful, eccentric sense of humor.
You are creative. You see the world in bold colors.
You are a dabbler. You love to experiment.
You aren't an expert in anything, but you know a little about everything.
You Are Dreads
You are accepting, peaceful, and connected with nature. You've reached a state of bliss.
Your idea of style is being completely natural and comfortable. You aren't trying to impress anyone.
At your best, you are simple and content. You don't need much in this world to be happy.
At your worst, you are a little irresponsible. You are on "island time"!
You Are a Striped Sweater
You are a bouncy, lively, and even a little raucous.
You love life loudly, and everyone is invited to your party.
You are very hyper, and sometimes you act without thinking.
And while your impetuousness gets you in trouble, your charm gets you out of trouble.
You Are a Pumpkin Latte
You are always up for a celebration. You are a very festive person.
You look forward to every holiday, and you are nostalgic for good times after they're over.
You appreciate the small things that make life special. You love little treats.
You often look at the world with childlike wonder. There's so much to enjoy!
You Are Black Tea
You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself.
You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.
You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.
You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!
You Are Duck
Exotic and unusual, you are a bit of a rare bird - literally.
You're known for being soft and succulent, though at times you can be a bit greasy.
You Are Emerald Green
Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.
You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut
You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.
You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...
Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.
To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.
You Are Chinese Food
Exotic yet ordinary.
People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.
You Are Flip Flops
You are laid back and very friendly.
Cheery and sunny in disposition, you usually have something to smile about.
Style is important to you, as long as you can stay casual.
It takes a lot to get you to dress up!
You are a loyal and true person, though you can be a bit of a flake.
You tend to "play hooky" and blow off responsibilities a lot more than most people.
You should live: By the beach
You should work: At a casual up and coming company
You Are Fettuccine Alfredo
Compared to most people, you have rich and decadent tastes.
If you can afford something, you'll go ahead and indulge yourself.
You are a true foodie. No food is off the table for you.
You're the type most likely to appreciate every aspect of a five star meal.
You Are a Club Sandwich
You have a big personality. It's hard for anyone to ignore you!
You dream big. You think big. And you eat big.
Some people consider you high maintenance, but you just know what you want... and when you want it.
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!
At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime.
What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining.
What people dislike about being around you: You're unpredictable. Your mood swings are quite intense.
Your Element Is Fire
Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame.
You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out.
You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable.
You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go.
Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive.
Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many.
Your Fireworks Say You're Impassioned
You are deeply passionate about a few things in your life.
Everything else, you couldn't care less about.
Your passions tend to hold steady over time. If anything, they intensify.
Once you hold on to something (or someone), you don't let go!
You Are Iron
You are strong and dominant. You are used to getting your way.
You are often at conflict with your primal urges, but you don't let on to this inner turmoil.
You are also very agile and flexible. Once you change course, you commit to it.
You are a person who is more substance than style. You prefer to let your actions speak for you.
You Are an Acai Berry
You are an intense, fascinating person with a very strong personality.
You don't shy away from controversy, and you're incredibly independent.
You are cultured, knowledgeable, and worldly. You have a deep understanding of things.
You are lively and healthy. You believe your body is a temple, and you treat it as such
You Crave a Remarkable Life
Your dream is to live an interesting, challenging, surprising life. You want to change and grow.
You believe life is short, and there's more to see and learn than you could ever imagine.
You don't want to waste time or be stagnant. If you feel bored, then it's probably time to get moving.
You want to live a life full of people, places, ideas, and experiences. You desire many amazing memories.
You Relate to Sharks and Polar Bears
Your Power Animal: Shark
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Polar Bear
You have a strong character - you are an aggressive, ambitious, go-getter.
You were born to lead.
You Are a Black Panther
You see through people. You understand others' motives and plans.
You have a knack for predicting the future. You just know what people are going to do.
People are attracted to you. You are naturally able to influence other people's thoughts.
You have the charisma to be a beloved guru or dictator. It's all about how you handle it.
The Key to Your Life is Wisdom
Anything good in your life comes from your vision and clarity.
You're able to see above all the small things in life and wisely understand the big picture.
Anything bad in your life comes from fooling yourself or clinging to illusions.
Be strong enough to see the world clearly. Learn from your mistakes.
The Part of You That No One Sees is Lonely
You are unique, witty, and even a little snobby.
You're quite proud of who you are, and nothing is going to change that.
You've paved your own way in life, and you've ended up where you want to be.
Underneath it all, you feel very isolated from the rest of the world.
It's hard to find people to relate to you on every level.
Your Friendship Style is Gregarious
You love being with people, and you find it easy to make friends.
Hanging out with your friends gives you a real charge, and you tend to be busy every night of the week.
You enjoy interesting conversations and shared activities with your friends. Your motto is: "The more the merrier"
While you love your friends, you don't love it if they put demands on you. You don't think that friendship should be about obligation.
You and an Empathetic Friend: Are get along best one on one. Your Empathetic Friend loves talking about your social circle but may feel left out when the whole gang is around.
You and another Gregarious Friend: Are a perfect match. You've finally found a friend who's as outgoing and fun loving as you are.
You and an Independent Friend: Are well suited for each other. You don't put too demands on your Independent Friend, and your Independent Friend finds you fascinating.
You and a Philosophical Friend: Are pretty different. You're high energy. Your Philosophical Friend is more cautious. You'll have to meet in the middle and learn from one another.
You Are Traditional and Dependable
You have peculiar taste. You tend to love what other people hate... and hate with other people love.
You are a very active, on the go person. You get restless if you're forced to sit still for too long.
You're easy going and easy to be around. You aren't picky or high maintenance.
You seek security in your life. Feeling safe is important to you.
You Are Ginger
Like ginger, you are a total shape shifter.
You can be sweet, spicy, mellow, or overpowering.
You are both soothing and unique. You are popular... yet you are often overlooked.
You Are a Strawberry Shake
You are a truly sweet person... but not too sweet.
You're a little too sassy and funky to be considered a sweetheart.
You love to flirt and tease. And people love the attention you give them.
You are a true extrovert, and you make new friends easily.
Your Latte Says You Are Very Playful
You are very decadent in all aspects of your life. You never scale back, and you always live large.
You are a very frivolous person. You don't take anything too seriously. Why should you?
Intense and energetic, you aren't completely happy unless you are bouncing off the walls.
You're totally addicted to caffeine... but you like to pretend like you aren't!
You are responsible, mature, and truly an adult. You're occasionally playful, but you find it hard to be carefree.
You are honest and genuine, but you are never tactless.
You Are Banana Nut Pancakes
You prefer complex and interesting foods.
You shy away from anything that's ordinary or tired.
It's not likely that someone would find white sandwich bread or boxed mac n' cheese in your kitchen.
Instead, someone might find an original recipe of yours cooking up - or some interesting ethnic food.
You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing
You Are a Purple Flower
A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance.
At times, you are faithful like a violet.
And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria.
And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac.
Your Gemstone is Ruby
Daring, enthusiastic, and spontaneous.
You are energetic and passionate, with an appetite for life.
You Are French Food
Snobby yet ubiquitous.
People act like they understand you more than they actually do.
What the House Test Says About You
You have a high opinion of yourself. You think that you are quite important in the scheme of things... definitely more important than most people.
You are very community oriented. You like to buy local, know your neighbors, and live in a neighborhood that matches your personality.
You are a social, friendly, and giving person. You like to bring people together and make them feel happy.
Your looks aren't conventionally attractive, but they're definitely unique. And someone, somewhere, finds that hot.
You are moved by your own inner sense of peace. You spend a lot of time reflecting on the meaning of life.
Your Soul is Welcoming
You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.
You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.
Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.
For you, falling in love is all about flirting and feeling playful. You couldn't fall in love with someone who took life too seriously.
You Are An Exclamation Point
You are a bundle of... well, something.
You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama.
You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it.
Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself.\
You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.
(But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.)
You excel in: Public speaking
You get along best with: the Dash
You Are Puzzled Over
You are quirky, complicated, and brilliant. You tend to feel a bit misunderstood by everyone, and that troubles you.
It's likely that you will have four or more children... whether you use birth control or not!
You are not easily moved. You are very stoic and not thought of as an emotional person.
You are squeamish and easily grossed out. You try to ignore messes.
You are quite conservative. You are neither a flirter nor a flaunter.
You Are an Endomorph
You have a rounder, softer body type. It's difficult for you to lose weight.
Endomorphs are known for being friendly, generous, and warm.
It's likely that you're a relaxed person who enjoys good times, good people, and good food.
You are warm and affectionate. You provide comfort to others and crave it for yourself.
What People Think of Your Mouth
People see you as both demanding and irresistible.
You are often the center of attention - and that's how you like it.
You are up for anything and very energetic. People sometimes propose wild ideas to you.
And who knows? Maybe you'll take them up on it. You are known to be a little freaky!
You Are A Hazelnut Tree
you're a charmer with a killer sense of humor.
You are very demanding, but you can also be very understanding.
No matter what, you always make a lasting impression - you're quite popular.
Passionate, you are an active fighter for social causes and politics.
In general, you are moody, honest, a perfectionist, and very sexual.
You Are Merlot
Smooth, confident, and popular - you're the type most likely to order wine for the whole group.
You seem to breeze through life on your intuition and wit. And no one seems to mind!
You're comfortable in any social situation you find yourself in, and you never feel outclassed.
And while you live a charmed life, you never let it go to your head. You are truly down to earth and a great friend.
Deep down you are: Balanced and mature
Your partying style: Surprisingly wild... when you let loose, you really let loose
Your company is enjoyed best with: Some greasy pizza
Your Ice Cream Personality:
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You have a wild reputation, but you're not as wild as you seem. You take risks, but only measured risks.
You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.
You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.
You are fun loving and sweet. You tend to enjoy joking around and teasing people
Financial Problems Are in Your Cards
Right now you are facing some major difficulties, especially in the financial arena.
Your emotions are currently tied to a sticky situation. Be careful - someone is taking advantage of you.
Your closest friends bring you high social status. You run with a popular, wealthy, attractive crowd.
The near future will bring you some friends or family members you've forgotten about recently.
Beware of being discouraged. A large business success or new love is finally coming your way.
You Are a Hat With Flaps
you are fun loving, cheerful, and even pretty cute most of the time.
You use fashion to play. You never take style all that seriously.
You're the type most likely to wear a funny t-shirt or goofy hat.
But when it comes time to clean up, you clean up nicely.
You Are Ruby Red
You are warm and inviting - yet a little wild and outrageous.
Well aware that you have a dual personality, you work it as much as you can!
You like for people to be comfortable around you, but not at the expense of you stealing the limelight.
Popular and well known, you make friends easily. You have your big personality to thank for that.