Selasa, 30 Desember 2008


HAPPY NEW YEAR ... well gue membaca blognya si armedi, dan terinspirasi... iya. oke. so gue akan meng-copycat blognya dia.
(for muti : copycat mut, bukan copycut ... piss mut.)
Oke. let's list things i want to do and improve in 2009 ... eh maksudnya 1430 ...:
1. MASUK IPA. sumpah deh. aku gak melebih lebihkan ato apapun. tapi, aku pengen masuk IPA, karena ... it's all about pride.
2. Being less sarcastic and snarky. No comment.
3. Forget HIM . Hahaha, I'm laughing at myself for dreaming, wishing, hoping for him. For a man that I know from the start that he's unreachable.I'm just pretending to be deaf, pretending to be blind. In the end, i know i will be the one who suffer most. So, all I want is forget him.
4. BELAJAR, LES, ALL DONE SERIOUSLY, yang ini gue pun gak kalah serius. To accomplish the number one goal, aku harus belajar... No matter how suck it is. Itulah akibat live for money and pride ... jiahahaha.
5. Solat. Solat. Gak males malesan lagi kalo disuruh ngaji.
6. Ignoring people (people here, means ... all annoying, ill-mannered people. Yang gak pernah diajarin bersopan santun sama orang tuanya. Eh i don't know actually, mungkin diajarin tapi ... enviromental factor. Well, idk ... and idc.) --> gue gak menunjuk specific, particular person loh.(mas bayu jangan tersinggung hahahahaha.)
7. Stop being hypocrite. (gue pengen rasanya tereak tereak di depan orang yang gue bilang di post gue sebelumnya, nunjuk nunjuk dia ... But still, i'm a stupid coward who don't even dare to shout at *piip*. *piip* is really manipulative, you know?)
8. One more ... no more nilai TIDAK TUNTAS (tuh tuh di bold di italic di gedein) di rapot gue. Itu sangat memancing perang antara gue dan nyokap. And hell I hate it.
Udah. cuma itu doang. No more. Kalo yang masuk MIT, CalTech, bla bla bla, itu kan jangka panjang. later-lah.
Oke now time for short quiz. (padahal gue gak di tag gak di-apa ... hahaa. iseng aja)

Love or Money?
hell, money.
Friendship or Love?
....depend. if it's a friendship with a jerk like *piip*, I'd choose love. but, if it's with someone that I'm close to (nih, dyz, gue pasang nama lo) like Dyza, i'd choose friendship. (tapi dyza pasti milih afghan dari aku)
A day with your lover or a day with your best friend?
once more, depend with what I do with my lover that day. hehe. (a curse of dirty mind)
The most important person in your life?
None. Hmm ... well, none. NONE. oh my god, none. I can't think even a single face of someone that's so important in my life! (oh, that's so stupid of me)
Your best trait?
.... I'm confident. Really confident. Well, I'm a narcisst.
Your worst trait?
I'm a sarcastic, snarky, sharp mouth person. I hate that, but ... I just can't stop that.
What do you want, RIGHT NOW?
What do you want for your future?
Being the richest person for 13 years like Bill Gates (seems it requires both hard work and absolute talent, hahaa)
Your recommended sites?

oke that's it. byeee, KANGEN SAMA P*****N*!!!!! OH MY SHIT.

dyz kerjain kuis diatas ya dyz
.sori aku menyusahkan, but i'd like to know your opinion...

1 komentar:

Dyza mengatakan...

Oke saya kerjakan dengan baik dan benar kuis ini. Hasilnya di blog gue ya okeokeoke?

Bytheway kalo disuruh milih antara Afgan dan lo, gue pasti milih lo. Dan ga mungkin Afgan milih gue secara ada Arumi di hatinya, hiksssss